
Home / WHITE TOWNSHIP: Hotel, eateries plan approved

WHITE TOWNSHIP: Hotel, eateries plan approved

by MARGARET WEAVER on June 10, 2015 10:59 AM

After months of negotiations, the White Township planning commission on Tuesday approved a final site plan that would add an Applebee’s, Bob Evans and a Holiday Inn Express to Oakland Avenue.

Unresolved issues with traffic and the placement of a future connector road held up the plans, which were tabled by the commission in April and May.

Developers and township officials have now agreed on a new plan that addresses those concerns.

The final site plan, under the name Indy Apple Inc., places the restaurants and hotel at the former site of Elkin Hi-Tech, 2879 Oakland Ave., across from ALDI. They would be developed by Verrichia Co. LLC, of Doylestown.

A 200-seat, 6,670-square-foot Applebee’s and a 140-seat, 4,700-square-foot Bob Evans would be at the front of the property, with a four-story, 83-room Holiday Inn Express behind, according to the plans.

A major issue with the previous plan involved a 50-foot right of way on the property for potential road development. Developers were willing to offer 50 feet to a certain point, with 25 feet after.

Chris Anderson, assistant township manager, said the developer has agreed to provide the additional right of way.

Transition lanes for turning were also added, and issues with a potential connector road were solved with the addition of possible connections to Lenz Road or to the Indian Springs/Rustic Lodge roads area, Anderson said.

Another issue was the height of the hotel. At 45 feet and four stories, it exceeded the township’s 35-foot maximum height.

But the planning commission granted a variance for the hotel, citing that the maximum height is about to be amended in the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance to allow buildings up to 50 feet with certain setback regulations.

A public hearing on the SALDO changes is set for June 24, prior to the regular meeting of the township supervisors.

The commission unanimously approved the final site plan Tuesday.

A timeline for development was not discussed, but developers said previously they hoped to start construction as soon as possible.

Developers can now move forward with the final steps necessary before construction, Anderson said.

In other business, the commission:

• Tabled a plan for Globalstar Partners LLC/Castleford Development to construct two-story townhomes with 183 units on 65 acres off Rustic Lodge Road. It would be a multi-family residential development, said Josh Krug, code enforcement officer.

The development would be governed by a homeowners’ association, and the commission requested a copy of that agreement.

The plan was also tabled to resolve other issues and wait for the results of a study by Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

• Approved a final minor subdivision for Zaucha Family LP at 1265 Wayne Ave. to transfer 2.399 acres to another lot.

• Approved subdivisions for Karen Letso along Eiselman Avenue and Arthur and Nancy Pounds along Stormer Road.

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